Saturday, November 14, 2009

Check #2.....

Well, yesterday Sarah and I went and pulled the trap at the bait station. Seemed like the general consensus was that it was a lower percentage set, and so we remade the set at the rock wall and went with that and the new post set just back from the bait pile. This morning there was a new face in the post-set steel.



The darkest red fur of the three so far, and seemed thicker too, but haven't skinned him yet and so not sure about primeness. I still haven't been able to rationalize any reason to wait until fur is prime - other than the fur check itself. If you trap an animal and harvest it (as opposed to a release) you are removing it from the resource. This resource removal is an indisputable fact, whether you trap it in October or in January. And so, my question is, if you are in it solely for the love of trapping or the enjoyment that being outdoors brings you, and could care less about the check at the end - what would one good reason be to wait? Though I can't say I know there isn't one, I personally haven't found one yet. Tight chains to all - the season's open boys!

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