Sunday, August 31, 2014

A Year In The Life - Day 102, August 31, 2014

This morning we all got over to the moose meadow across the river for a scouting trip.  The boys actually handled it very well:  Warren talked in his quiet voice and Abram stayed near-completely quiet himself - right up until we got to the edge of the meadow - and then Abram lost his mind and began a symphony of crying that told every living thing within a mile that we were there... :D  As if we expected anything less - I'm just amazed it took that long...just enough to make us start to wonder if it might actually go the way of incredible... :)  We had a ton of fun and the mission was accomplished after all.  We even found some wild mint and got some more rose hips for our trouble.  Here's a few shots from the morning...The one with S and the boys being the 'official' pic of the day, of course...

The mint.  So much of it was growing in a shallow depression that the smell was overwhelming as soon as you stepped down into it...mmmmm  We took home a bunch for drying, some for tea, and some more for propagating...we'll see how it goes...

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