Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Four fox in 12 hours...with one trap (and a bullet)...

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Mom, and the boys, and baby sister (hanging in the baby carrier inside the coat) with an early morning catch. :)

Little did I know how this one was going to turn out.   So this Fall, and Winter, just as last year, we had been seeing fox around the house, and had been seeing them walk by the school during class, etc...so it didn't strike me as odd.  After heading home one day to lunch and seeing one walk right up to me, I figured it was time.  That same day, Sarah saw one approach the boys where they were playing just beyond the front yard, and she mentioned it was a little weird.  Sounds good to me, I figured.  I had been trying to refrain from catching the ones around the house, but when they act like they aren't wild anymore, well...I didn't need any encouragement anyway, but if they're offering...

I made a set right at dark, last night (the 21rst).  The set, though, was right out in fron tof the house, just across the drive - we're talking like maybe 25-30 feet from the front step.  This morning, on the way to work, as I shut the door, I heard a faint "tink-tink-tink-clink".   Hah!  I thought...Bingo!  Walked over with a headlamp, and, sure enough, the area looked awfully dark (catch circle)..and then the eyes lit up, and I walked to work.  With a smile.  I waited for daylight, which at this time of year, here in Southwest Alaska, is not until about 9:45.  Then I brought it up with the kids in my class, and we quickly decided to go get the fox out of the trap.  We filmed the dispatch, and then I quickly went back to work and got through the rest of the morning classes.

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However, when I went home for lunch, I spotted a fox going around the back of the teacher housing, and making his way over to our house.  I ran behind building s when I could, dodging his sight until I was back at my front door, where I grabbed the .22 Mag and some bullets.  However - I grabbed some .22 LR rounds.  I did this knowingly, because the rifle uses shorts, longs, and Magnums.  However, I did not know what was about to happen.   went back out the front door, thinking the fox would head for the catch circle - which he probably could smell for a long ways.  Sure enough, he did.  I saw him break for it behind some spruce and use d my chance to get in position, pushing the safety and waiting for him to stop when he got to the set, which I was covering with my front bead.  He stopped, and I squeezed.  'Click!'.  Nothing.  I couldn't believe it.  I shucked that shell, dug another one out of my pocket, and put it in the chamber.  Pulled up, with him looking at me this time, about 20 feet away.  'Click!'...WHAT!?!!....Racked the bolt, catching the shell, and put it BACK IN, and squeezed. 'Click!'  My heart about stopped at that one.  That was enough for the fox, and he bolted out of sight off into the trees.  I was bummed beyond belief.  However, I wasn;t so bummed I couldn't skip lunch, and instead put in a remake with the tra from the morning.  I had a feeling the fox would be back, and quickly.  I even brought the shells, with their firing pin marks, back to class with me to share the tale, and 'warned' the class that we may catch another.

It wasn't long, and I got a text from Sarah...she said that there were not one, but TWO fox out by the sandbox in our backyard, milling around. Apparently the boys saw them during lunch. Excitedly, I asked her not to go outside or let the boys out..if only they would go around to the front we'd have a second one. :) Sure enough, about 2 minutes later, she texted again. We had one. Hah!! I rounded up one of my students, and we headed for the house.  However, upon getting to the front yard..we noticed a fox streaking across the back yard, once again by the sandbox.  We quickly went inside, and I grabbed the .22 Magnum again.  Not liking the angles on him from the back porch (remember, we were in the teacher housing area, with other houses nearby) and hoping this time the gun would go off, we made our way out the front door - past the other fox snarling and jumping in the trap - which my student thought was simply spectacular - and the following ensued (Click link to view in Dropbox):

View clip on DropBox HERE

So, with that fox from the backyard down (rifle worked as usual, in case you didn't watch the vid at the link), we were now in possession of two, and had a third in the trap out front.  We walked over to the catch circle with the just-shot-fox in hand (which was a HUGE male, beautifully colored by the way - pics coming when he is processed.  I took a few pics, and we dispatched the third, and placed him in the freezer.  This was turning out to be a great day.  The catch circle was SMOKIN' HOT!!!!
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It was that knowledge that made it just impossible for me to not remake the set again.  I HAD to do it.  So after school, I remade the set before dinner.  All the while it had been snowing off and on, but the set was down to the bare ground and leaves from all the..um..activity...

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We enjoyed dinner and were getting the boys ready for bed when our neighbor knocked on the door and said he heard a snarling coming from the area of the set.  (It was already dark).  I went out, and together he and I dispatched the fourth fox of the day.  Three in the same trap in 12 hours is now my personal record.  At least one of them was caught only a little over an hour after I set it.  Wowza.  No pics of this last one actually came out, as it was too dark.

 Now I am left to wonder if I could have done it in less time if only this all didn't go down on a work day.  :P  :)   I'll give it a break for a bit now - but only for a bit - and then I'm gonna remake that sucker again...we might not be done yet with the "front yard set"...Next up, though, is to help one of my students catch their first fox...

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

One in a million?... :)

Well...the chicken raider is dead.  Here in bush Alaska, you often get the chance to see wildlife in your 'backyard', that much is certain.  Sometimes, however, the wildlife you do see is not the kind you'd like to.  Case in point:  some neighbors (well, maybe 200+ yards away neighbors) mentioned that they were having some trouble with foxes and weasels harassing their chickens.  I was very happy to say that my boys and I would be glad to rectify that problem, and so we set out to do it...

Upon arriving and talking with the neighbors about the situation, we learned that this would be a pretty favorable setup.  The chicken coop bordered the brush and tundra at the edge of their yard, and the offending weasel had been seen pacing around and around the coop looking for entry on multiple occasions.  Just what we like to hear. :)  Warren, Abram, and I found a great, level spot to place the box, and I set the trap and allowed them to place it in the front of the box.  We added the bait - raw chicken of course (giblets) - to the back of the box and secured the lid.  We chose not to use any lure in this case because I felt that the use of any type of long distance call I might normally use (Lenon's weasel lure, or, say, some gusto) could potentially call in more predators than were already causing problems.  That, and we already had (or the chickens had) a captive audience.  I figured, let the chickens stay under the radar for as long as is possible, if you ask me.  The neghbors also thought this was a good approach, as they had already shot one fox and mentioned possibly taking care of some others, though it seemed they didn't want to if it wasn't necessary.

At any rate, me and the boys left the trap there, and we went back to check the next day, only to find nothing.  They were a little bummed, but of course I had the chance to once again explain why this is trapping, not catching, and that if there was some fur in the trap every time we went to check it, things just wouldn't be the same.  The next check, however, was a different story.  After finally getting the boys' attention away from the chickens, they came over to the box, and opened it - and the celebration began...and while they were jumping and hollering it occurred to me - this weasel looked 'different'.  Quite different.  My first reaction, caught in the video we took, was to say He's....like....BLUE!.."  And so he was...

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I've never seen anything like him. My first thought was that he was coated in something. But what is laying around a house or garage or whatever, and is that color?...Also, how did he do such an even job of "coating" himself, if in fact that was the case?...
The tale remains to be told, as when we take him out of the freezer to skin him I plan to wash a bit of him in dishsoap and get the skinny for sure. At any rate, though, the boys were CRAZED, as usual, and it was better to just enjoy the moment than wonder why. :)

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