Monday, January 19, 2015

A Year In The Life - Day 243, January 19, 2015

Today we have an odd pic, but one I found amusing.  The twisted sort of stuff bush folk can find amusing... So, we have undergone a shrew epidemic in the house.  They are everywhere...all of a sudden.  We have been catching them in all corners of the house ever since the cold came back to the Great North.  WIth our now extensive experience trapping them, I have learned something.  They are INCREDIBLY cannibalistic.  I.e., when we catch one overnight in a mouse trap, by morning another one will have drug the deceased AND the trap over to some miniscule hole and tried to pull the whole mess through!  This, repeatedly.  So, I decided to capitalize on this.  I came up with what Sarah appropriately calls the 'Graveyard set'.  How great a moniker is that?!  Here's the set:  Take a caught (dead) shrew still in a mousetrap, and place it shrew side down on top of a Glue board mouse trap.  His brethren will come to take a bite out of him for dinner, and voila!  Another dead shrew.  One at a time.  Repeat.  Quite literally, until the glue board is full.  Then replace.  This can be only minutes between one victim and when a newcomer comes to join in the fray.  Pretty soon, you have an entire glue trap full of shrews.  Hence, the 'Graveyard' appropriateness.  Think I'm kidding?

Well, first, check out the (I thought so) hilarious set of texts we sent back and forth this morning.  Just glancing at them makes me laugh out loud. Including the following one about the moose, which I could see from the window at school, but anyway: S's in white, mine in green...

And here is a pic of what she was describing:  Wowza!  That's right, 5 on there, including the one in the original trap (BAIT), without much room for a sixth.  Yeah, I know most would find shrews in the house disgusting - and yeah, it might be - but here in the bush, it's just another winter full of the same old stuff.  And they always come back when it gets cold.   So far we have caught red-backed voles, lemmings, and now these guys in the house this winter.  Just think, if we get a field mouse, we'll have hit the mini-rodent-trapping Grand Slam!! 

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